12 Ways YOU Can Make a Difference
1. Join the HDA today! The more members we have, the more influence we have. Please visit our Contact Us page to find out more about HDA membership.
2. Volunteer for an HDA committee: Parks & Open Space, Events & Education, Communications & Public Affairs, Fundraising, Finance, or Membership. HDA members, please email us at [email protected] if you can help out -- We need YOU!
3. LICENSE YOUR DOG annually! Not only is a dog license required by NJ law, this is the only way local governmental officials will actually know just how many of their constituents are dog owners.
4. VOTE in local elections: Your vote actually CAN make a difference in such a relatively small city as Hoboken. So make sure you're registered to vote at your current address, find out where local candidates stand on issues of importance to dog owners, then get out and vote!
5. Contact our elected officials: Write a letter, email, and/or call the Mayor & your Councilperson about issues of concern to dog owners. Visit the city's website hobokennj.org, for contact info for City Council and the Mayor's Office.
6. Attend & voice your opinion at public meetings: Especially City Council meetings, as well as relevant Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings (visit www.hobokennj.org for meeting schedules).
7. Write a letter to the editor: Make your opinion known in The Hoboken Reporter and The Jersey Journal.
The Hoboken Reporter
P.O. Box 3069
1400 Washington Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: (201) 798-7800
Fax: (201) 798-0018
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hobokenreporter.com
The Jersey Journal
Letters to the Editor
30 Journal Square
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Phone: (201) 653-1000
Fax: (201) 653-2243
Website: www.nj.com/hobokennow/
8. Keep informed about current issues: Read our local newspapers & blogs, and chat with your fellow dog owners & neighbors.
9. Participate in online discussions: Share your opinions and ask other dog owners questions on the HDA Facebook page, and to let us know how you feel about the dog runs and other HDA-related issues.
10. Help make Hoboken a poop-free zone: "Carry a bag, a spare, and one to share." And be sure to politely alert a fellow dog owner if they don't pick up their dog's deposit. Be a role model for responsible dog ownership so others will follow suit!
11. Donate to the HDA: We're a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so we rely entirely on your support. Donations are gratefully accepted! You can mail a check, payable to the "Hoboken Dog Association," to us at P.O. Box 1084, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
12. Email us: Send us your ideas, suggestions, thoughts, comments, and feedback to [email protected].
2. Volunteer for an HDA committee: Parks & Open Space, Events & Education, Communications & Public Affairs, Fundraising, Finance, or Membership. HDA members, please email us at [email protected] if you can help out -- We need YOU!
3. LICENSE YOUR DOG annually! Not only is a dog license required by NJ law, this is the only way local governmental officials will actually know just how many of their constituents are dog owners.
4. VOTE in local elections: Your vote actually CAN make a difference in such a relatively small city as Hoboken. So make sure you're registered to vote at your current address, find out where local candidates stand on issues of importance to dog owners, then get out and vote!
5. Contact our elected officials: Write a letter, email, and/or call the Mayor & your Councilperson about issues of concern to dog owners. Visit the city's website hobokennj.org, for contact info for City Council and the Mayor's Office.
6. Attend & voice your opinion at public meetings: Especially City Council meetings, as well as relevant Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings (visit www.hobokennj.org for meeting schedules).
7. Write a letter to the editor: Make your opinion known in The Hoboken Reporter and The Jersey Journal.
The Hoboken Reporter
P.O. Box 3069
1400 Washington Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: (201) 798-7800
Fax: (201) 798-0018
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hobokenreporter.com
The Jersey Journal
Letters to the Editor
30 Journal Square
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Phone: (201) 653-1000
Fax: (201) 653-2243
Website: www.nj.com/hobokennow/
8. Keep informed about current issues: Read our local newspapers & blogs, and chat with your fellow dog owners & neighbors.
9. Participate in online discussions: Share your opinions and ask other dog owners questions on the HDA Facebook page, and to let us know how you feel about the dog runs and other HDA-related issues.
10. Help make Hoboken a poop-free zone: "Carry a bag, a spare, and one to share." And be sure to politely alert a fellow dog owner if they don't pick up their dog's deposit. Be a role model for responsible dog ownership so others will follow suit!
11. Donate to the HDA: We're a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so we rely entirely on your support. Donations are gratefully accepted! You can mail a check, payable to the "Hoboken Dog Association," to us at P.O. Box 1084, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
12. Email us: Send us your ideas, suggestions, thoughts, comments, and feedback to [email protected].
HDA Board

Melissa Abernathy
Millie Kilimet
Rebecca Nelson
Contact us at info [at] hobokendogs.org
Millie Kilimet
Rebecca Nelson
Contact us at info [at] hobokendogs.org